Sunday, August 30, 2009


I'm alive. Survived the summer of the weinerdog death which followed the summer of the brother's death and knee surgery. I'm beginning to think summer is out to get me, especially May.

in other news, i got a smart phone. (I know, I know...welcome to 2007.)

crazy me. I was excited about starting school. there's a new classroom and new students and new craziness. the admin crap is all crazy. same stuff, different department. i've decided i'll just do what i do. mom always says "People are going do what people are going to do. You can only control yourself." She also says "he'll get happy in the same pants he got mad in" and both of these maxims get me through a normal day. dad says things like "colder than a witches tit in a brass bra" and I just don't know what that means, but it's fun to say.

in all of the craziness, I have a diss to get ready to send off to publishers, I have one article in final editorial phase expected SP 2010, one in review, one accepted proposal, and two more pieces in the works, and three book chapters that need to be bulking up PRONTO so I'm busy. Most of this is due in Sept/Oct.

but, back to the OMG. i have a student who has a blog that says more about student evaluation of courses than anything academic or otherwise that I've read before. i showed a paragaph or two of it at CW09 in Davis this year, and I got mixed comments. One thought it was just a rant. I tried to explain that the honesty in it and the fact that blogging was a way to get this kid to write in a honest way about her frustrations with school, class, AND blogging for blogging's sake was way worth the rant-ish-ness nature of's audience aware, clever, etc.

anyway, I just read the first week's worth of the her final semester...and it's brilliant. funny. satirical. like The Soup on crack. She hasn't started on me yet, so maybe I'll change my tune. till then. OMG.


1 comment:

Laura said...

I'd like to see that blog -- I agree with you definitely about a blog's ability to get most students to open up when they normally wouldn't (or at least differently).

I am glad you survived the summer -- it's be a tough couple of summers for you definitely; I love your mom's expressions and totally agree, esp in light of our jobs. Just do what you're gonna do...

Good luck this semester! Miss you!