Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This weekend set me back 3 days on nablopomo. and yet, I persist.

A fellow colleague and I took 4 students to Arkadelphia, Ark to a conference. 3 presented. It turned out to be a really good trip. The students did a nice job and handled themselves like pros during their QA's and asked good questions in the other presentations. Good overall experience.

Yesterday was exhausting. Driving 6 hours in a huge van wore me OUT.

The good news is - I slept until a normal hour this am. w00t.

Today, fundraiser for the Honors Students, run a workshop for Faculty/Staff, and grading. Home by 5pm or so.

Here's a pic of me and the students at Hugo, OK's Cemetery. It's got a whole section for circus people. And, Hugo is named for Victor Hugo, so this was an interesting way to break up the trip.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Allison looks SO happy in this picture.