Saturday, November 07, 2009 in the Park

I think it was the 7th of November.

okc, check.
bank, check.
target, check. yay mushroom burgers.
Mad Men Season 1 finished, check
walk around Wintersmith park, check.

I felt like I had an altoid on my scalp today...sensitive scalp and harsh coloring don't mix well, I guess. but, the grays are away. i really like my colorist/ don't meet a "smart" one very often and I found her right away. and, today, the hairwasher was awesome. it's my favorite. if I was rich, I'd have my hair washed by someone else everyday.

if I had visited the graveyard, today would have been complete. I guess I'll go see it tmw.

In other news, the guy who did the shooting at Ft Hood was taken down by an injured female police officer. hoorah. take THAT all you Y chromosomes.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Any chance we'll see pics of the hair?