Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well, crap

It's typical of me to take on too much. And, it's making me crazy, so I decided to let some things go...and it makes me sad.

one major thing was giving up an Assistant Editing position for the Topoi section of Kairos. The journal is important to me...and I think the work we've done on it in the last couple of years has been awesome, so I'm sad to go. But, it takes alot of time and I have to think about my own publishing.

A couple of pubs are done...2 articles and a monograph. They should all come out this semester. And, I'm under contract for one major project and another article, so those will probably come to fruition in 2011, but I have deadlines looming. 2 other articles are either in the revision stage or the proposal stage...and I have one out for review. egad.

PLUS, I have 3 conference papers to write, I'm teaching a new theory class, I proposed a new Intersession class, and I'm chairing a university sub-committee for accreditation.

can you say swamped? now, I have to decide what else to let go...

1 comment:

kasey mckinzie said...

I've decided you should have a Drank to "slow your roll."

It helps.